Foxglove Multispeciality Hospital offers comprehensive medical and surgical services and the supporting laboratories, equipment and experienced personnel that make up the mission of our hospital.
- Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)
- Prostate Artery Embolisation
- Transarterial Chemoebolization (TACE)
- Level Kypoplasty with Gen Anesthesia
- Varicocele Embolisation
- Level Kyphoplasty with Sedation
- Reutine tube exchange Non Billiary
- Varicose vein ablation
- Spider vein injection
- Guided drainage
- US Guided drainage and sclerosis
- Gastrostomy tube new placement
- Fallopian tube Recanalization
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Arterial aneurysm including abdominal, thoracic and peripheral vessels.
- Diabetic foot disease and ulceration
- Arteriovenous malformations of peripheral arteries and pulmonary arteries.
- Acute pulmonary artery thrombosis treatment including mechanical thrombectomy and lysis
- Venous occlusion, narrowing and reconstruction including May Thurner and Paget Shroder syndrome
- IVC Filter placement and retrieval
- Transjugular Liver biopsy with portosystemic and hepatic venous pressure gradient assessment.
- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) including portal vein recanalization
- Coil/Plug/Balloon assisted Retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) of gastric varices.
- Percutanoeus Cholecystostomy (Gallbladder drainage).